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Sundays 9:30-10:30 pm
(Half-an-hour break for tea and cookies. Book store will be open.)
Sundays 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Practice at Padma Gochen Ling,
our retreat center
outside of 
Monterey, TN.
Sundays 10:30 am-11:30 pm
For more information and map to Padma Gochen Ling or any  questions, please call Padma Gochen Ling at (931) 445-3909 or use our Contact Page Form
Tuesdays 7:00-8:00 pm
First Tuesday of each month — 11:00am - Noon

Saturdays 10:00am – 11:00AM
Weekly Schedule of Group Practices

“The extent of joy in your heart and the joy you bring to others will always be dependent upon the extent to which your mind is motivated by loving-kindness and compassion. This is the point of view shared by all human beings, not just dharma practitioners. It is the most important standard by which we all judge one another. It is the essential practice of dharma as taught by the Buddhas. Compassion and loving-kindness, based upon emptiness, that is the condensed heart practice of the Prajnaparamita.”
 ~  Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche

Shrine Room Protocol

Traditionally, there are a few points of protocol when attending a practice.

Please try to enter the shrine room quietly and keep talking to a bare minimum.
Once you have your seat, you may get settled and meditate until the session begins.
If we are going to be chanting special texts, you can pick them up by the entry-way and have yours ready to go. Also avoid letting any text, Dharma book, or object touch the ground, using one of the provided mats. Also, we ask that those sitting on cushions do not point their feet towards the shrine.

The Padmasambhava Buddhist Center was established in 1988 by Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, with centers in locations throughout the world, including Tibet, India, Russia, Peurto Rico, and the United States. Highly regarded for many years as leading scholars and Sunday is our main public meeting with a focus on introductory Dharma concepts and readings.


We begin our sessions with a brief chanting practice and some meditation, followed by the readings and some discussion for that day. We typically close with a little meditation and closing prayers, praying for our teacher’s long life and dedicating the positive merit of our time together.

You may notice some people bowing or prostrating to the shrine three times at the beginning of the session. This is a traditional way of showing respect, yet there is no expectation for anyone to do this.

In our tradition there is a great emphasis on lineage, so we also chant some opening prayers in Tibetan and English to honor and request the support of those who have come before us. This is also entirely optional. Participate at what ever level feels comfortable to you. Casual, comfortable dress is fine.

  • No knowledge or prior experience with Buddhism is necessary for Sundays. Newcomers are welcome to participate at whatever level you feel comfortable with.

  • Our sessions are casual and relaxed — come dressed comfortably for floor sitting.

  • Chairs and meditation cushions are provided, but you’re welcome to bring your own cushion or pillow if you prefer. You may also bring a shawl to wear on your shoulders or lap.

  • We generally burn incense, but if you have allergies or other breathing challenges, please let the person leading the practice know.

  • If you have any questions before you attend, please email

What to Expect

Some newcomers may find a brief orientation helpful. If you’d like one, or just want to ask a few questions, please arrive 5-10 minutes early, and someone will be there to help you.

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